provides us a layout for displaying the page. It does not contain any logic but adds extra functionalities like a refresh button.
We will show what <Edit>
does using properties with examples.
Show Code Hide Code import React from "react" ; import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { FormControl , FormLabel , FormErrorMessage , Input , Box , Select , } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { Controller } from "react-hook-form" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { saveButtonProps , refineCore : { query } , register , control , formState : { errors } , } = useForm ( ) ; const { options } = useSelect ( { resource : "categories" , defaultValue : query ?. data ?. category ?. id , } ) ; return ( < Edit saveButtonProps = { saveButtonProps } > < Box component = " form " autoComplete = " off " > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. id } > < FormLabel > Id </ FormLabel > < Input disabled type = " number " { ... register ( "id" , { required : "This field is required" , } ) } /> < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. id ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. title } > < FormLabel > Title </ FormLabel > < Input type = " text " { ... register ( "title" , { required : "This field is required" , } ) } /> < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. title ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. status } > < FormLabel > Status </ FormLabel > < Select id = " content " placeholder = " Select Post Status " { ... register ( "status" , { required : "Status is required" , } ) } > < option > published </ option > < option > draft </ option > < option > rejected </ option > </ Select > < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors . status ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. category } > < FormLabel > Category </ FormLabel > < Controller control = { control } name = " category.id " rules = { { required : "This field is required" } } render = { ( { field } ) => ( < Select placeholder = " Select category " { ... field } > { options ?. map ( ( option ) => ( < option key = { option . value } value = { option . value } > { option . label } </ option > ) ) } </ Select > ) } /> < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. category ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > </ Box > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
Good to know :
You can swizzle this component with the Refine CLI to customize it.
Properties title title
allows you to add a title inside the <Edit>
component. If you don't pass title props, it uses the "Edit" prefix and the singular resource name by default. For example, for the "posts" resource, it will be "Edit post".
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { Heading } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit title = { < Heading size = " lg " > Custom Title </ Heading > } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
resource The <Edit>
component reads the resource
information from the route by default. If you want to use a custom resource for the <Edit>
component, you can use the resource
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const CustomPage : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit resource = " posts " recordItemId = { 123 } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier
instead of the name
of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name
of the resource defined in the <Refine/>
For more information, refer to the identifier
section of the <Refine/>
component documentation →
The <Edit>
component has a save button that submits the form by default. If you want to customize this button you can use the saveButtonProps
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit saveButtonProps = { { colorScheme : "red" } } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
For more information, refer to the <SaveButton>
documentation →
allows you to add a delete button inside the <Edit>
component. If the resource has the canDelete
property, Refine adds the delete button by default. If you want to customize this button you can use the deleteButtonProps
property like the code below.
When clicked on, the delete button executes the useDelete
method provided by the dataProvider
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { usePermissions } from "@refinedev/core" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { data : permissionsData } = usePermissions ( ) ; return ( < Edit canDelete = { permissionsData ?. includes ( "admin" ) } deleteButtonProps = { { colorScheme : "red" } } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
recordItemId The <Edit>
component reads the id
information from the route by default. recordItemId
is used when it cannot read from the URL (when used on a custom page, modal or drawer).
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; import { Modal , ModalOverlay , ModalContent , ModalCloseButton , ModalHeader , ModalBody , Button , } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { modal : { visible , close , show } , id , } = useModalForm ( { refineCoreProps : { action : "edit" } , } ) ; return ( < div > < Button onClick = { ( ) => show ( ) } > Edit Button </ Button > < Modal isOpen = { visible } onClose = { close } size = " xl " > < ModalOverlay /> < ModalContent > < ModalCloseButton /> < ModalHeader > Edit Post </ ModalHeader > < ModalBody > < Edit recordItemId = { id } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > </ ModalBody > </ ModalContent > </ Modal > </ div > ) ; } ;
mutationMode Determines which mode mutation will have while executing useDelete
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { FormControl , FormLabel , FormErrorMessage , Input , } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { saveButtonProps , register , formState : { errors } , } = useForm ( ) ; return ( < Edit mutationMode = " undoable " canDelete saveButtonProps = { saveButtonProps } > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. title } > < FormLabel > Title </ FormLabel > < Input id = " title " type = " text " { ... register ( "title" , { required : "Title is required" } ) } /> < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. title ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
dataProviderName If not specified, Refine will use the default data provider. If you have multiple data providers and want to use a different one, you can use the dataProviderName
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core" ; import dataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest" ; import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const PostEdit = ( ) => { return < Edit dataProviderName = " other " > ... </ Edit > ; } ; export const App : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Refine dataProvider = { { default : dataProvider ( "https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev/" ) , other : dataProvider ( "https://other-api.fake-rest.refine.dev/" ) , } } > { } </ Refine > ) ; } ;
goBack To customize the back button or to disable it, you can use the goBack
property. You can pass false
or null
to hide the back button.
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { IconMoodSmile } from "@tabler/icons-react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit goBack = { < IconMoodSmile /> } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
isLoading To toggle the loading state of the <Edit/>
component, you can use the isLoading
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit isLoading = { true } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
breadcrumb To customize or disable the breadcrumb, you can use the breadcrumb
property. By default it uses the Breadcrumb
component from @refinedev/chakra-ui
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit , Breadcrumb } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { Box } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit breadcrumb = { < Box borderColor = " blue " borderStyle = " dashed " borderWidth = " 2px " > < Breadcrumb /> </ Box > } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
If you want to customize the header of the <Edit/>
component, you can use the headerProps
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit headerProps = { { borderColor : "blue" , borderStyle : "dashed" , borderWidth : "2px" , } } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
By default, the <Edit/>
component has a <ListButton>
and a <RefreshButton>
at the header.
You can customize the buttons at the header by using the headerButtons
property. It accepts React.ReactNode
or a render function ({ defaultButtons, refreshButtonProps, listButtonProps }) => React.ReactNode
which you can use to keep the existing buttons and add your own.
Implementation Tips :
If "list" resource is not defined, the <ListButton>
will not render and listButtonProps
will be undefined
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { Button , HStack } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit headerButtons = { ( { defaultButtons } ) => ( < HStack > { defaultButtons } < Button colorScheme = " red " > Custom Button </ Button > </ HStack > ) } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
You can customize the wrapper element of the buttons at the header by using the headerButtonProps
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit headerButtonProps = { { borderColor : "blue" , borderStyle : "dashed" , borderWidth : "2px" , p : "2" , } } headerButtons = { < Button colorScheme = " green " variant = " outline " > Custom Button </ Button > } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
By default, the <Edit/>
component has a <SaveButton>
and a <DeleteButton>
at the footer.
You can customize the buttons at the footer by using the footerButtons
property. It accepts React.ReactNode
or a render function ({ defaultButtons, saveButtonProps, deleteButtonProps }) => React.ReactNode
which you can use to keep the existing buttons and add your own.
Implementation Tips :
If canDelete
is false
, the <DeleteButton>
will not render and deleteButtonProps
will be undefined
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { Button , HStack } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit footerButtons = { ( { defaultButtons } ) => ( < HStack borderColor = " blue " borderStyle = " dashed " borderWidth = " 2px " p = " 2 " > { defaultButtons } < Button colorScheme = " red " variant = " solid " > Custom Button </ Button > </ HStack > ) } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
You can customize the wrapper element of the buttons at the footer by using the footerButtonProps
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { return ( < Edit footerButtonProps = { { float : "right" , borderColor : "blue" , borderStyle : "dashed" , borderWidth : "2px" , p : "2" , } } > < p > Rest of your page here </ p > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
autoSaveProps You can use the auto save feature of the <Edit/>
component by using the autoSaveProps
Show Code Hide Code import { Edit } from "@refinedev/chakra-ui" ; import { FormControl , FormLabel , FormErrorMessage , Input , Select , } from "@chakra-ui/react" ; import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core" ; const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { refineCore : { formLoading , query , autoSaveProps , } , saveButtonProps , register , formState : { errors } , resetField , } = useForm < IPost > ( { refineCoreProps : { autoSave : { enabled : true , } , } , } ) ; const { options } = useSelect ( { resource : "categories" , defaultValue : query ?. data ?. category ?. id , } ) ; useEffect ( ( ) => { resetField ( "category.id" ) ; } , [ options ] ) ; return ( < Edit isLoading = { formLoading } saveButtonProps = { saveButtonProps } autoSaveProps = { autoSaveProps } > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. title } > < FormLabel > Title </ FormLabel > < Input id = " title " type = " text " { ... register ( "title" , { required : "Title is required" } ) } /> < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. title ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > < FormControl mb = " 3 " isInvalid = { ! ! errors ?. status } > < FormLabel > Status </ FormLabel > < Select id = " content " placeholder = " Select Post Status " { ... register ( "status" , { required : "Status is required" , } ) } > < option > published </ option > < option > draft </ option > < option > rejected </ option > </ Select > < FormErrorMessage > { ` ${ errors ?. status ?. message } ` } </ FormErrorMessage > </ FormControl > </ Edit > ) ; } ;
API Reference Properties Property Type Description Default resource
Resource name for API data interactions
Reads :resource
from the URL
Title of the edit view
Edit {resource.name}
Props for the wrapper component of the view
Props for the header component
Props for the content wrapper component
Breadcrumb to be displayed in the header
<Breadcrumb />
Back button element at the top left of the page
ActionButtonRenderer<{ refreshButtonProps: RefreshButtonProps; listButtonProps: ListButtonProps; }>
Header action buttons to be displayed in the header
If recordItemId
is passed <RefreshButton />
otherwise <RefreshButton /> <ListButton />
Additional props to be passed to the wrapper of the header buttons
ActionButtonRenderer<{ deleteButtonProps: DeleteButtonProps; saveButtonProps: SaveButtonProps; }>
Footer action buttons to be displayed in the footer
If canDelete
is passed <SaveButton /> <DeleteButton />
otherwise <SaveButton />
Additional props to be passed to the wrapper of the footer buttons
To specify a data provider other than default use this property
Loading state of the component
Adds a <DeleteButton />
If the resource has canDelete
prop it is true
else false
Additional props for the <SaveButton />
Adds properties for <DeleteButton />
"pessimistic" | "optimistic" | "undoable"
Determines when mutations are executed
The record id for <RefreshButton>
Show <AutoSaveIndicator /> component on header buttons